How Nickelback Prepared The World For Postmodern Jukebox

How Nickelback Prepared The World For Postmodern Jukebox

By Scott Bradlee Sometimes, inspiration comes from unlikely sources.   This was one thought that ran through my head on Thanksgiving Day in 2011, as I found my name in online news outlets everywhere for the first time.  It was the first time a video from what would...

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A Young Person’s Guide to PMJ

A Young Person’s Guide to PMJ

By Rachel Frazin What I love most about Postmodern Jukebox is how it appeals to people of all ages.   I love that no matter how crazy lyrics can be, the music still sounds timeless. Each age group, however, interprets the songs and their lyrics differently. For the...

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New Reboxed Video!! “Call Me Maybe,” Sung By Von Smith

New Reboxed Video!! “Call Me Maybe,” Sung By Von Smith

Every Monday this month, we're paying tribute to some classic PMJ videos and releasing all new versions of them - this week, it's Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe," one of our early hits from 2013, originally sung by Robyn Adele Anderson.  Here's the incredible Von...

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New Album “PMJ and Chill” Available Now!

New Album “PMJ and Chill” Available Now!

Hey folks, we just released our eighth full-length album of modern pop hits gone vintage, "PMJ and Chill".   Download / Order "PMJ and Chill" album: Buy PMJ and Chill This week, it debuted at #1 on the iTunes Jazz charts; it's probably the only album in the top...

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